Exit Zen
English example usage: 'Accepts <icon of waste water>' - means this entity accepts waste water. example usage: 'Accepts <icon of waste water>' - means this entity accepts waste water.
English setting for disabling sudden lightning flashes setting for disabling sudden lightning flashes
English title of accessibility settings (disable flashes, etc.) title of accessibility settings (disable flashes, etc.)

display means monitor essentially

English title of a setting to change currently active display title of a setting to change currently active display
English could not place a building / machine as it collides with another one called {0}, example: 'Collision with shipyard' could not place a building / machine as it collides with another one called {0}, example: 'Collision with shipyard'
English could not place entity due to invalid height, {0} and {1} are integers specifying min and max height could not place entity due to invalid height, {0} and {1} are integers specifying min and max height
English could not place a building as some part needs to be in the ocean (e.g. ship depot) could not place a building as some part needs to be in the ocean (e.g. ship depot)
English {0} is a name of product, for instance oil pump can't be placed on the ground as there is no deposit of oil {0} is a name of product, for instance oil pump can't be placed on the ground as there is no deposit of oil
English could not place a building outside a predefined slot (e.g. shipyard module) could not place a building outside a predefined slot (e.g. shipyard module)
English could not place a building as it has ocean access blocked could not place a building as it has ocean access blocked
English represents number of people in a settlement, example '2 pops' (keep it short) represents number of people in a settlement, example '2 pops' (keep it short)

Plural formula: (n==1) ? 0 : (n>=2 && n<=4) ? 1 : 2

English people who work somewhere. example: '1 worker', '2 workers' - keep it short! people who work somewhere. example: '1 worker', '2 workers' - keep it short!

Plural formula: (n==1) ? 0 : (n>=2 && n<=4) ? 1 : 2

English title of a button that enables to remove animals from a farm (by moving them into another farm, not killing) title of a button that enables to remove animals from a farm (by moving them into another farm, not killing)
English title of a panel showing animals in this farm title of a panel showing animals in this farm
English notification notification
English notification notification
English button to apply changes button to apply changes
English name of a machine name of a machine
English name of a machine name of a machine
English shown when they are no routes assigned shown when they are no routes assigned
The translation has come to an end.